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Thursday 5 April 2012

I hate goodbyes

Today I had to say goodbye to 2 managers at work. Due to management restructure they had been made redundant. They were brilliant managers and they were part of my work family. We all started at our store when it opened 5 years ago and together we have seen changes and the good and bad things that happen to each other.
One of the managers was my line manager and such was his caring nature he visited me in 2009 when I was on a mental health ward for 7 months. He only came once but that was enough to show that he cared and that I wasn't far from their minds at work.
So at lunch today a buffet was put on for the staff and the 2 managers sat and reminisced with us all. For the half hour I was there all I could think about was having to say goodbye. I knew I would cry and was worried I'd look silly in front of everyone. The time came and i did cry, I could barely get any words out when I was trying to thank him for his support through my mental health problems.
I know everyone hates goodbyes but I really do find them difficult even when I am not that close to someone. Perhaps it's because things will change when someone leaves in any situation. I'm just not sure but know I'm dreading the next goodbye to whoever it is.

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